About: Sean Stussy began screening his logo on shirts and selling them alongside surfboards in 1980. And now the original streetwear brand that started it all turns 50. Today Stussy is a world recognized streetwear brand, with more than 60 stores, and a legacy that can’t be matched. And, 80s Purple is your exclusive retailer for Stussy’s Womens Summer collection.
Stussy is giving away a bag of summer fun. The Stussy t-shirt, mini duffle bag, wallet, key chain, one piece bathing suit, and straw fedora pictured above will be given to one lucky winner.
To win: All you have to do to enter to win is post a photo of your favorite item of Stussy clothing from over the years. Whether it’s an old school Stussy shirt from 1985, 1995, or 2005. Give us your best Stussy. (Our comments allow photo uploads.) Just select the browse button below the comment box and chose the image from your computer you want to use. When your comment is complete, simply hit submit comment to post your photo. If you are actually wearing the item, that is even better. Especially if its in 1985.
Once your response is posted in comment form, you are automatically entered to win Stussy gift pack. All you have to do is comment to THIS post with your favorite photo of your favorite Stussy item. Then readers will vote on the human most deserving of the prize via comment votes. The photo with the most “LOVE IT!” votes will win. Tips: Use Re-Tweet or Share feature to tell your friends and get more votes.
Details: Contest runs for ONE week. The winner will be determined by the comment with the most votes at midnight (PST) on Tuesday, July 20, 2010. All comments go through an approval process before going live. We reserve the right to omit any unnecessary comments. Only one entry per person can be submitted.
Good lucks girls (and boys!)
And don’t forget to shop Stussy right here at your exclusive Stussy Womens’ retailer, 80s Purple.
And Happy 50th Stussy!
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